Americké kapely Tower of Power a vystoupí v brněnském Sono Music Club 16. července 2023 od 20.00. Koncert je přesunutý z ročníku festivalu Groove Brno 2022. Majitelům vstupenek z původního termínu zůstávají vstupenky v platnosti.

“What is hip?”!

Už u prvního alba East Bay Grease si jich všimla sanfrancisská promotérská ikona Bill Graham, který se zasadil o úspěch kariér takových jmen jako Grateful Dead či Jeffersons Airplane. Debutovou nahrávku jim vydal u Filmore Records. Za léta svého vzestupu se stali synonymem pojmu The Oakland Sound. Právě v rodném Oaklandu mají dokonce v kalendáři i den na svou počest! 

Koncert je přesunutý z ročníku Groove Brno 2022. Majitelům vstupenek z původního termínu zůstavají vstupenky v platnosti.
„What is hip?“!
Tower of Power, a band that currently celebrates 55 years and whose brass section has recorded with Aerosmith, Eric Clapton, Elton John, and Santana, will come to get your hips moving with an energetic charge.

As early as their first album, East Bay Grease, they were noticed by San Francisco promoter icon Bill Graham, who was instrumental in the success of the careers of such names as the Grateful Dead and Jeffersons Airplane. He released their debut record on Filmore Records. Over the years of their rise, they became synonymous with the term The Oakland Sound. They even have a day on the calendar in their hometown of Oakland to honor them!
The concert has been rescheduled from the 2022 edition of Groove Brno. Ticket holders from the original date will have their tickets remain valid.